The Importance of Wearing A Breast Prosthesis
Wearing a breast prosthesis is not merely for rebuilding a woman’s self-confidence but for physical reasons as well.
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Can-Care Virtual Fitting
Virtual Fitting
Now with our Virtual Fitting Service, you get to experience our personalised fitting service in store via a video call.
Dealing with the Big "C", You Are Not Alone
Resource Sharing
Dealing with the Big "C", You Are Not Alone
The Importance of Oral Hygiene to Cancer Patients
Oral Care
The Importance of Oral Hygiene to Cancer Patients
Managing Stress of Cancer and Covid 19
Stress Management
Can-Care Live Sharing Video : Managing Stress of Cancer and Covid-19
Popular articles
Many survivors told us that the program has helped them regain a sense of control and normality at a time when diagnosis and treatment had taken over their lives.
Various Can-Care products and services
- Breast care (breast prosthesis and mastectomy bra)
- Cancer Care (medical wigs, medical shampoo and scalp care products)
- Lymphedema management
- Wellness
Anyone could walk in for a free fitting and consultation services.
Please refer to our list of Can-Care centres & distributors location.